Sunday, January 4, 2015

Day 1

Hi. I'm Chunky McChunkerson. And looking at these pictures up here, on the world-wide web, makes me give real props to my husband. I gather that I need not explain why. 
Day 1 of my Wheat Belly experience
This picture is easily the most personal thing I have ever put on this blog. And the fact that this is out there now scares the crap out of me. But it's the real deal. 

This is me. I am just under 5'8, and this is 8 months and 4 days after having a baby, and 4 days after the end of the holiday season. I'm not proud. 

Today I cleaned out the pantry, fridge and freezer. Among the refuse was: a dozen and a half New York bagels (ouch), a bag of pretzels, Doritos (NOT MINE!), Chex-Mix and Asiago Cheez-its (those were all mine). Looking at it reminded me of what I said to my mother a few days ago: "I don't eat junk food so I don't understand why I'm so fat". I actually believed that I didn't eat junk food, and yet there it was sitting in my pantry (none of it unopened). 

Then I set to work creating a cleaner kitchen. Last night I went through the Wheat Belly Cookbook and flagged all of the recipes that sound good (I am going to be sticking to the cookbook recipes until I get used to cooking wheat free meals), so this morning I started testing some of them out. 

*Actually, I'm lying - I made Pork Fried "Rice" last night and it was surprisingly delicious. 

Here's what my day looked like today:

Breakfast: Steel cut oats (not sure if these are on the "do not eat" list since I haven't gotten far enough into the book yet. But I've heard that steel cut oats are really good for you so I'm running with that for now) that I had cooking in the crock pot overnight. I added just under 1/4 cup of organic raisins. It was filling and satisfying.

Lunch: Leftover pork fried "rice". This recipe uses shredded cauliflower as a substitute for rice and honestly, even my husband was amazed at how much it worked. 

Dinner: Roasted, herbed pork tenderloin (leftover from last night as only half of it was used for the fried rice recipe) with sautéed green beans. 

Snacks: I grabbed two oranges earlier in the day and had a piece of chocolate after dinner...yes, chocolate. 

Drinks: I had my morning cup of coffee but drank strictly ice water throughout the rest of the day. 

Exercise: I took the dog on a two mile walk this morning. I went and actually joined the gym today with intentions of going to classes on days I don't run. However, Baby J is sick right now and therefore up every three hours. Mommy isn't getting any sleep let alone exercise. 

Overall:  At no point today did I feel hungry. I did feel tired, but I attribute that to lack of sleep due to J's cold. Do I think this is doable? Yes. Right now I am feeling optimistic. 

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