Monday, December 2, 2013

It all makes sense inside my head

Hello Internet World,

I'm new to this whole blogging thing so bear with me as I figure it all out.  Actually, I'll be doing a lot of figuring out over the next several months, years, decades, etc.  as I am currently 17 weeks, 2 days pregnant, although my doctor calls me 18 weeks - I guess it makes sense as I am in the 18th week of pregnancy...right? Sure.

What doesn't make sense to me, however, is why I'm actually trying my hand at this blog business considering I find it a bit strange and at times unnerving, to post about myself all over the great unknown that is the internet.  Oh well.  Here I am.

Now why, exactly, am I here?  Well, for starters, I've read a few blogs written by pregnant women and/or new moms and I find myself laughing hysterically at the asinine nature of just about all of them.  Being the opinionated loud mouthed pain in the ass that I am, I have to respond to the nonsense - even if it's to no one other than myself and the few poor friends that I may try and coerce into reading this.

Second, I would just kind of like to start actually documenting my pregnancy.  From day one I swore that I was going to do weekly belly shots (but every Saturday I look like crap so it's never been a good picture day), keep a pregnancy journal (too tired to write by the time I get home from work), and loads of other cutesy stuff that just hasn't happened.  And here I am at 17 (or 18) weeks, with a pretty adorable just popped baby belly and zero Pinterest worthy things to show for it.  So why not start a blog?

I've been toying with the idea for about a month now and have a laundry list of articles I'd like to write (are they even called articles on a blog?  Who knows?).  Now let's see if they actually get done.

And who the hell am I?  I've already established that I'm opinionated and loud which you can probably (and rightfully so) interpret as a bit obnoxious.  But I'm also relatively low maintenance when it comes to pregnancy.  I've yet to make it through a single pregnancy book (though I'm about halfway through one now that I've been enjoying - will review it later), I've had a glass of champagne or a few sips of wine here and there [insert gasp here], I haven't changed my eating habits, and I don't think that I or my baby is too fragile to do all of the normal stuff I did before I was pregnant.  I'm pretty easy going about the whole thing and I fully intend on keeping that mentality throughout actual motherhood - hence the name of this blog,  "Let Them Eat Cake".  Cake isn't going to kill anybody.  Neither will wine, champagne, dirt, exercise, sex, or any other crazy thing that nutty pregnant women avoid like the plague.  Maybe it will change, but until then I am pretty determined to continue on with whatever works for me and my little family which, by the way, consists of hubby and puppy (baby will be thrown into the mix in early-mid May).  I'm a professional who is fortunate enough to have a job in the great armpit of the United States that is Long Island, NY (which, if nothing else, has taught me how NOT to raise my child[ren], and I like long walks on the beach.

On a serious note, however, if you're made it this far, thanks for reading.  Hopefully you'll continue and please feel free to comment and let me know how I'm doing on this new blogging venture.  Even if you don't agree with my point of view, it works for me as I'm writing it, and it all makes sense inside my head.


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